Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Inception Part Six--Deeper Stuff

First off, I feel like throwing out a happy birthday to the late and great John Wayne and Peter Cushing.

Anyways lets get even deeper into "Inception" and some of the meanings behind the titles on the new posters ( If you read the last post I kind of speculated on them, but I have studied and have new information.) The mystery continues to deepen and thicken around this movie, and all that does is make me more excited. From what I have gathered, there is a lot concerning Greek mythology running through the maze of "Inception".

I think I was correct about most my guesses of the meanings of the character posters because I am pretty fluent in the language of heist films. But still "The Shade" remained a mystery so I did some research.

If you want to remain as spoiler free as you can about the film and her character don't click on the link BUT If you want a more in depth meaning of "The Shade" click here Shade. I don't wanna go into too much detail of what this means because I don't wanna ruin too much of it for you, but lets just say Marion Cotillard's character is for certain not all the she seems. It doesn't help that in the international trailer(well Japanese trailer) you see her holding a gun standing with Ken Wantanabe (the supposed villain) who is also holding a gun. Her character is certainly going to be interesting to say the very least.

Now lets look at Ellen Page's character Ariadne. We know "The Shade" is a reference to mythology but I don't wish to go into any more detail then that, if ya wanna know again the link is above. But the name Ariadne has its roots also in mythology.

Ariadne is the daughter of King Minos, who attacked Athens and because of this the Athenians ordered him to make a payment to make up for it. He was required to send seven young maidens and seven young men to be sacrificed to the Minotaur every nine years. One year this included Theseus, but he volunteered to kill the Minotaur. Ariadne had fallen in love with Theseus at first sight and wanted to help him so she gave him a sword and a ball of red fleece to string along so he could find his way back out of the Minotaur's labyrinth.

The labyrinth is the really interesting part, because it seems that a maze or labyrinth plays a fairly big part in "Inception" When we see the title in the trailers it appears in a Maze. When you go to Mind Crime you play as a character running through a maze of a city. Ellen Page or Ariadne is said to be "The Architect" she probably creates the dreams they are in, but maybe her characters name means something as well, perhaps she helps DiCaprio find his way through the dreams or the "labyrinth" This is just speculation again on my part, but since Ariadne has ties with labyrinths in mythology, and labyrinths seem to be a part of "Inception" I figured I would see where that took us.

Also a new bit of news concerning the film. Johnny Marr the brilliant guitarist who was in The Smiths did all the guitar playing on Hans Zimmer's score for the film. I love The Smiths and Johnny Marr is brilliant so that is freaking awesome.

I'm only gonna post once more on "Inception" for a while, that post will come tomorrow and it will be about Cillian Murphy so be sure to check that out, and remember keep your excitement on high for this movie!

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