Monday, May 17, 2010

The Adjustment Bureau

I am always looking out for good, thought provoking science fiction films. "Thinking" sci fi movies were once the norm for the genre. The 90's did their best to ruin that ( with exceptions like The Matrix) Anyways lately their has been a resurgence of intelligent sci fi with films like Moon, soon to be Inception and The Adjustment Bureau.

I just recently discovered this film that is set to be released in September. It stars Matt Damon and Emily Blunt (who is extremely underrated). Matt Damon plays a politician who by coincidence meets Emily Blunt's character. They both realize how much chemistry they have together and are quickly falling for each other. Thats when things become a little off.

Damon's character wakes to find himself locked in a room with a bunch of men in suits standing around him while he is strapped to the chair. They inform him that they monitor everything in the world to ensure that everything happens to "plan" Apparently his relationship with Blunt's character is not part of his or her plan. He refuses to stop seeing her which results in their pursuit of him.

Thats all the info of the plot I really have gathered (and that mostly from the trailer). But Matt Damon and Emily Blunt are always excellent. Its also based on a story by Phillip K. Dick who is one of the better science fiction authors of all time. Also it looks like it appears to have some action and thrills but also a heavy dose of romance thrown in too, which is definitely a first for Sci Fi.

The film was originally set for a release date in July, but changed so they weren't competing with Inception (meaning they heard Inception was THAT good!) Sadly it may suffer box office numbers with the september release date but hopefully it will be a good film. I'm excited to see it simply because there is a lack of really good science fiction. So keep this one on your radars.

Also there was a scene filmed at Yankee Stadium, I'm surprised Damon allowed his feet to touch that unholy field.

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