Monday, April 30, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises: New Viral for Trailer

The viral marketing campaign that has been virtually non existent for The Dark Knight Rises kicked into gear today on the movies main website.  It opens up a police file discussing the vigilante known as Batman.   It talks about graffiti symbols appearing all over that are signifying the return of Batman and the Gotham City police believe that documenting these will help them find his whereabouts.  It then gives a list of cities and locations around the world where they want people to go and take a picture of the symbol at the location at submit it to them then on  a still from the new trailer opens up.

Now here is what is really interesting. The trailer is supposed to debut in front of The Avengers this weekend, so usually that means we would get the trailer online the following Monday.  But it appears there is a still literally for ever single second of the trailer being uploaded onto that site.  So what me and my fellow fanboys (for lack of a better word) believe is that when all the locations have been submitted and all the stills are loaded up...We will have the new trailer.

This is assuming they are evil and just leave us with every single still from the trailer, but I personally believe that we will have the final full length trailer.  If the people continue to go out to the locations and submit, we should have the trailer by (the earliest) later today.  But more likely tomorrow.

A couple of the stills released so far:

You have no idea how unbelievably excited I am right now.....

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