Joseph Gordon Levitt has been acting ever since he was a little kid. His first big movie (though not big part) was in Robert Redford's A River Runs Through It. He played one of the main characters when they were kids.
Some might remember him from Angels in the Outfield, others as the goofy kid on Third Rock From The Sun. In fact, thats what I hear most when I bring his name up. "Oh the kid on Third Rock From The Sun!".
The fact is he has been doing incredible work for some time now, all in the indie scene. Movies like Brick, The Lookout and Mysterious Skin really have shown the acting this guy is capable of. The man is on the rise. It certainly helps that he was awesome, and critically acclaimed in 500 Days of Summer last year, helping to boost his name into most homes. Then comes Inception.....
The first shot we ever are given of him in the movie is a fight scene in a hallway. Not just any fight scene though, they are running on walls, and hurling each other down the hallway. Not really something expected of a character being played by Levitt. Usually he is the goofy, heartfelt guy (although see Brick, Lookout and Mysterious Skin) Yet in the new trailer we see him with his slick backed hair and leather jackets, business suits and most of all he is running around with an assortment of guns.
Now he looks absolutely awesome in this movie, but there is some speculation going around on-line that maybe his character isn't everything he seems. For the most part his character Arthur is seen running around alongside Dicaprio's Cobb. But some people think he could be a villian, good at first then betraying his team.
I personally see no evidence of this in the trailers we have been given thus far. I have had people trying to tell me there is a clip of him holding Dicaprio buy the neck in the new trailer...the fact is that you can't tell whom he is holding. I am not saying he won't be a traitor, I am not saying he will be a good guy. I am just saying there is no evidence for him being a bad guy. (although they are all theives....not making really any of them good people)
Either way, whatever hsi role truely ends up being we can be assured it will be great, especially since Emma Thompson (Christopher Nolans wife and producer) claims how amazing he is in the movie. He is certainly one of the actors I am most excited for...among many in this film.
He was incredible in 500 Days of Summer. That movie would not have been the movie it was if not for him. He will be amazing in this too for sure.