"I specialize in a very specific type of security....subconscious security" Cobb-Inception
If you are familiar with Christopher Nolan films you'll know how little he relies on CGI for his effects. Both batman films (especially "The Dark Knight") use as little as possible. In "The Dark Knight" the scenes where Batman leaps off the building in Hong Kong, the semi truck flipping forwards and many others were all done with real effects.
This is pretty impressive because we live in a world where most filmmakers go the easy, cheaper way out buy using a computer and green screens and end up using CG for every last effect. Its to the point now where live action films appear to be more computer animated than live action. So its extremely welcome to have films like Inception coming out that don't rely on heavy CG.
Now if you have seen the trailer you are more than likely saying "of course there is lots of CGI used. People are floating in zero gravity, cities are folding on each other, people are falling down hallways and running on walls!" Well of course the city folding on itself is CG, but for the most part what you are seeing is real stunts.
Take the hallway scenes where Joseph Gordon Levitt is scene fighting and running along walls and falling down the hallway. Every thing you see in that scene is real. How are they running on walls though?

Nolan had a giant hallway built. The hallway is lifted up into the air by a crane (from what I understand) and then is able to rotate and tilt anyway. The rotating hallway allows for the actors to run, punch and throw each other on the walls, ceiling and floor all without actually using any computers. Because of this it looks completely and 100% real. The real genius of this is the fact that in ten years this scene wont look a tiny bit dated (unlike The Matrix, which is still awesome....still looks very dated)
This isn't it though, along with the rotating hallway set, apparently Nolan and co. have built an entire nightclub set that tilts and moves. I am telling you all this movie is going to be unlike anything you have seen yet! Do yourself a favor and be stoked!

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